Saturday, January 5, 2013

PGHL is moving along!

We've passed the $6,000 mark Promoting Global Hair Loss! We now have events in Boston, Middlebury, VT, DC, Dallas, upstate New York, Zurich, Switzerland, two events in Hong Kong and I've even got a friend in Charlotte, NC that isn't shaving her legs until the 19th of Jan! My goal is to raise $50,000 for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation and I think we will get close. If you know anyone that wants to help have the, reach out to me directly at They don't have to shave their head, they can host a guest bartender evening, hell, they can sell lemonade on the corner - I don't care as long as we raise funds for the MMRF. If you're overseas and want to do a local charity I'm fine with that as well. I just want a cure for this disease and anything I can do to move that along I will do.

Thanks in advance for your help!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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