When my friend came down with acute-AML, I started talking about numbers, results, platelets, RBC, Hemo/Hemato, etc. He looked at me in wonder and asked how I knew all this. I told him that within four weeks he would be speaking a language he had never thought of before. And I was right!
So for those of you wondering what to do with your reams of paper, I am happy to pass along the spreadsheet I am using to help track my data. I originally did this in excel and then migrated to excel for Mac (lovin it!) There is a bit of work required to update the charts but it's usually just cut/paste or extending the time the chart covers. Bottom line, I can help get you setup but you would need to learn a bit of excel to maintain!
Some screen shots with captions below explaining each:
If anyone would like a copy of the file, please post a comment with your email address and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible. I would need one or two sets of results to setup the database for your needs. Alternatively, I can just send you a blank spreadsheet and you can run with it on your own. Just let me know. When I first started all this I was amazed how little there was available to me. The IMF website has a program (that's not compatible w/ Mac) but their hi/low ranges were always different and the charting ability was limited. I don't want to dismiss what they've built but I found it easier to create my own.
As I've just had to update this for my move from StV's to MtS, I thought it would be a good time to put this out there for anyone interested.
I'm happy to help where I can. Best of luck to all and if anyone has their own example of this, please let me know!