Saturday, April 28, 2018

Let's Cure This Thing!

I know I haven't been writing here so my updates on (you can find me don't flow through here automatically.  Which means you haven't seen my latest push for donations - don't stop reading now!!!

In January I had my tests to see if the MM was back and in February I got the news I had relapsed, after 5 years in full remission.  In between those two dates I received a call from The MMRF asking me to be the Spirit of Hope honoree at this year's Laugh For Live event on May 1st.  It was very awkward because I didn't feel like I had really done anything.  After I started posting about my relapse I really paid attention to the responses and realized that maybe I do have something that inspires others.  Again, it's awkward but I am truly appreciative of the award.  But how do I ask for donations to an event where I am being honored.  The answer - Deadpool gave it to me.

I have all the detail here:  In short, Ryan Reynolds posted a video, in a pink Deadpool outfit, and spoke about how he was raising money to F cancer.  It made me realize I want to cure my cancer - why aren't I raising money!  In the link above I explain this more eloquently and also highlight what I will do if we reach out targets!

So have a read, share the story and help us raise that money!  And if anyone knows Ryan Reynolds please put me in touch - if we reach that 1 million goal then I need him to decide what to do with that tattoo on my head!

thanks for reading!