Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Need O+ if you can help!

As I mentioned in a previous post, a close rugby buddy of mine was diagnosed with AML (acute myeloid leukemia). Unlike my disease where they are attacking the proteins with an intention to harvest and then transplant my own cells, he's in a position where a transplant of his own cells is not an option. He's also having to go thru a lot more with respect to chemo, etc.

The biggest issue though is blood and platelets. A bit of a lesson. I have O- blood, sometimes referred to as babys blood as it can be used for almost any blood type. My friend Kieran has O+ blood which means he can only get O+ blood, which isn't readily available. Hence this request.

Anyone in the NYC area with O+ blood that can donate please do. I've included a link below from NYU that was provided by Kieran's sister. Blood and platelets are needed but you must be O+.

Thanks, in advance, for anyone that's able to help!

Patient: Kieran Holohan
NYU Hospital 31/1st
The following link should give you all the details necessary. You can request the donation go right to Kieran. If not needed at the time it will be given to someone else - which is how Kieran will be able to spend Christmas with his family, thanks to the blood of others. Please help if you can!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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