Sunday, March 3, 2013

Need Mult Myeloma Head Shots!

Whilst I have a moment of sanity, I have a request for all your Myeloma-ites! I'm looking for bald pictures - any and all bald pictures! I got the idea when I spoke w/ some of you, saying you were embarrassed when you lost your hair. I'd like to get as many FUN or different bald shots as possible. If you don't have a "fun" shot then send me what you have. I'm going to try and put together a calendar that we can provide to the MMRF, Myeloma UK or any other related charity to help raise funds. Here's what I want:
1) if an "old hat" send me your pic - if you want to have some fun with it first (replace the sunset, paint a picture, whatever) have at it. If you're newly bald, do something cool and different. You don't have to show your face, you can have your kids/sig other/neighbor/total stranger, paint a picture on your head! If you dont have a bald shot but you have a good shot of when you're going through all this (thinking Mike and the Zebra!) then send it along!
2) send me what you want related to your photo. I'm originally thinking: name, date of diagnosis, type of MM (iga, igg, flc) and either date of picture, date of SCT or date of harvest (or whatever date you want!)
3) ALL PICTURES WILL BE APPROVED BY OWNER BEFORE ANYTHING IS DISTRIBUTED - i'm not a professional and dont hope to make anything out of this than awareness for the disease and funds for our relevant charities.
4) final version of calendar will also be approved by everyone included within the calendar!
5) I will work w/ MMRF and Myeloma UK as I have contacts at each. again, the goal here is to provide them a final (or close to final) product that they can then distribute. I also hope that all of us will help distribute as well. I will also reach out to the primary drug companies to see if they will sponsor and help to offset costs!
6) Pics can be sent to

I'm sending this via Facebook and Twitter and if everyone else can send via whatever other method works for them then great. It's Myeloma awareness month - but this is really for those that are unfortunately already aware! I'm hoping to get something done soonish so that we can get this together for a 2014 calendar!

If you think I'm barking up the wrong tree on this one please let me know. Otherwise - show me your baldness!


PS - thanks to Shells Porter, Marianne and a few others that have already sent me some pics!  Looking forward to more! 

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