When you're taking a week off between medications then you are sort of used to what you're getting. I was able to handle 40mg of Dex and did even better with 20mg of Dex (last two cycles of treatment). Yesterday I received 10mg of Dex - at 03:30 I was well aware of that point! I finally fell asleep around 0400. Second, "potential side effects are nauseau,..." So all night I had heartburn/upset stomach - no porcelain god trips luckily - but part of me thinks it was the 4 portions of Chinese food followed by HFSundae and part of me is thinking"...potential side effects are nausea...." Bottom line, I am fine - had some cereal this am and am working on my second pint of Gatorade. At some point I need to get some additional sleep but will sort that out later! So is it psychosomatic or what?
For now - I need to voice a concern - as some of you who have been reading my know, my friend was diagnosed with AML, a version of Leukemia. First, he's doing well and potentially may be able to get out of this without a bone marrow transfer. Second, he found his sister was a match should the BMT be needed. Third, he hosted an event at Cornerstone Tavern (a friend of ours pub in Manhattan and highly recommended for those looking for a nice pint and some pub grup) to get people to join the bone marrow registry. Along with being a great time, they had over 600 people join the Bone Marrow Registry. For those that couldn't attend but still want to put themselves on the registry for a match it would be near and dear to both mine and Kieran's hearts. Get details
So Kieran's got some good karma working for him and the results are starting to show. First, during my treatment I didn't think to take a picture of my room as it really wasn't much and I wanted to be in the chair anyways. But when I asked for a snack the little sandwiches they brought back were quite nice. See picture here:

Later on that evening I received an email from K telling me he had moved rooms and sent me a picture. Looking at this, I'm guessing that his menu selection is slightly more, 'diverse' than mine. Additionally, if I'd had a room like this I probably wouldn't have wanted the chair! This picture reminds me of Matilda Hospital in Hongkers! Keep up the Karma K!
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