We Are Promoting Global Hair Loss!
On the 28th of January I go in for my bone marrow transplant. At that time, courtesy of the Melphalan, I will lose my hair yet again. So in advance of that I'm breaking out the clippers and will raise money to shave it all off! The difference here is I'm calling in all my markers and asking everyone I know, all the world over, to join me. I'm looking for volunteers who will host an event in their hometown to shave their head (or their friends or whomever will let them, as long as you agree that the person must be fully conscious at the time of making this commitment!). I will be raising money for Multiple Myeloma but I'm happy for you or raise money for any charitable cause you deem appropriate (but if you can't think of one, use mine!)
I'd like someone (multiple someone's) to do this in Hongkers - c'mon guys, you know who you are and what better way to end the rugby season! I'm also looking for someone in Switzerland (though I know this will be more difficult!). I know I have someone in Vermont and I expect I may get someone in Boston. I need to get a Brit (in London but expats in NYC can join me!). The most impressive offer I have gotten thus far is from North Carolina where an old high school buddy has agreed to NOT shave her legs till the 19th and then raise money to get them clean!!!
I will create a board where you can donate to the myeloma research foundation and you will be able to donate there or feel free to go and create your own board. I will also post details on how to take advantage of company matching! I will also have a page on my blog as well as a page on Facebook. The intention is to have this be one big party with pictures, videos and anything else we can do via fbook and my blog!
If interested in joining the party, even if I have no idea who you are, please reach out here or on Facebook and I will have details posted regarding your event.
So save the date, 19 Jan, and Promote Global Hair Loss!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Dad is in
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sloan Newberg sends her love. I will pull out the little man with the BD award for your courage. All my hopes. Tim
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