Wednesday, January 30, 2013

day1 4am ramblings

i think i slept better than the night before but am still worn out.  i am getting Zorfan anti nausea med along with a few other things.  i dont feel nauseous yet but i've also not tried to eat anything.  But the part (not for faint of heart) is the protection you have to do from various fungal type bacteria that could form.  something you deal with all the time but your body fights it off.  these bacteria occur in spots where its dark an humid - armpits are one - i'll let you guess the others.   theres a mixture of two ointments that need to be placed around one area and then a powdered substance, like baby powder that needs to be applied to the others - every four hours.

if it wasnt 432 i probably sharing this but i'm tired and need to do something.  and i knew Mike my fellow MM'er would love this post - go get 'em Mike!



Anonymous said...

plus it gives your mom something to read at 4;34 in the morning! hugs honey...

Sandy said...

In about 10 days you will cresting the hill and starting on your new life... we will be here cheering you on!

tim's wife said...

My husband got one of those infections in the least desirable place to get one of them when he had his stem cell transplant. NOT fun for him AT ALL. You're lucky your docs are being proactive about that. However, now that I think about it, he did get to flash a nurse his "business" so they could diagnose and treat the condition. I thought I was gonna have to slap that smile off his face. ;o)

rugbyhubby said...

@timswife - fully agree! As annoying as it was (and I think I got an itch from the powdered stuff) they say the worst issue a transplant person has (or anyone that has compromised immunity) is not people coming in with a cold or flu so much as the bacteria created by your own body. I was on ProBiotics and LGlutamine supplements in advance to help clean up the bad bacteria and the Nystatin (uck) is simply another thing that helps keep you clean and safe. I have a friend who had AML and he got a staff infection while going through his chemo because they weren't treating him for stuff like that.

As far as the 'flash', I did have one nurse that wanted to do a swab down there and I told her I would take care of it! :)