Saturday, January 19, 2013

PGHL NYC Details

Tonight is the night!

7:30pm at Failte Irish Whiskey Bar, 2nd ave betw 29/30th streets

Kids are going first, Dilyn, Mikey and Jack - we will have plenty of pix and, mohawks and of course hair care products by L'Oreal to help us in our endeavors!  If you can join us, great.  If not, I'm trying to setup a live feed, just not sure if that will work as planned but we'll try.

Thanks all!



Lorna A. said...

Wish we could be there. Can't wait to see the photos!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, what a great cause! The MMRF is an incredible organization. Good luck to you!

rugbyhubby said...

i may not update the blog but the fbook page will be updated throughout the evening. Trying to set up a live video feed as well! may be boring at times but the shearing should be fun! there are also some pix of the hk event on the fbook page.