Monday, March 11, 2013

Lord William The Bald!

So I received notice today that I was no longer allowed to refer to myself as William McHugh. I now am required to refer to myself as Lord William - I added "The Bald" part.

I've not been knighted but compliments of my mate PJ, I now own a plot of land in Glencoe, Scotland and can officially call myself a Lord. You can google "56.6279234677418 - 5.30908752335155" and find where my plot is located. I can now get pens and stationary with my "Lordship" nicely emblazoned! I'm also allowed to visit my plot whenever I like. I actually have been right by there when I was younger (my mother's side is from Greenock and was part of the Fraser clan).

At some point I will venture over and see if perhaps I could camp on my plot, my new hearth, my (and I quote) "precisely defined as a plot one foot by one foot...."

I will have to check with the other Lords and Ladies to see if can camp on their neighboring hearth! With gracious thanks and fondest memories of my new "home", adieu!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Glencoe, Scotland

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Bill

Glad you enjoyed the new Title. Perhaps we could visit your land when you're better and shout at the locals "Get Orf Moi Laaaaand!!"

I hope you have better nights this weekend!!
All the best