Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Multitasking can be dangerous

Work is too busy - juggling projects, phone calls and people coming up to the desk. My lips got dry and I opened my drawer and reached for the Carmex (lip product, like chapstick for dry, chapped lips) while speaking with someone. I grabbed too much on the tip of my finger but managed to apply appropriately and not look like some eHarmony wannabe with the poutie lips and fake.... (sorry, I'm at svccc and testing out some new pain meds so I take no responsibility for my references and analogies.)

While continuing to talk with my colleague I commented on the fact the Carmex was a bit hot and I hadn't felt that before. Only after I had left that discussion to then carry on another and finally returning to my desk that I discovered I HADNT USED THE CARMEX, I HAD USED THE TIGER BALM!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Bill McHugh said...

Is this the new hot lips Houlihan? Make sure you don't kiss Lil or the kids tonight.

rugbyhubby said...

Actually it was yesterday - everyone at the office got a kick out of that one!

Anonymous said...

better the lips than elsewhere...

rugbyhubby said...

truer words were never spoken...just ask about the bengay hockey incident!