Sunday, November 29, 2009

Working in a vacuum!

Imagine yourself on an deserted island. Your only means of communication is paper, ink from some red berry and a collection of empty bottles. You keep writing things, putting them in the bottle and setting them out to sea. The only issue is you never get any bottles back!

If you have a comment click and add it below - send me back a couple of bottles!


Nancy McHugh said...

your mother prefers her bottle have some wine in it...

Rob said...

you are ugly and your mother dresses you funny...especially the metrosexual red shirt!

Nancy McHugh said...

Another bottle from 280 PAS. You are being watched (read.)

Nancy McHugh said...

the above was from your father who was using my laptop. BTW, Rob, i did NOT buy that shirt but I did sort of like it...especially the detachable logo!

rugbyhubby said...

Ok - so I guess comments are comments so I won't complain. However, I was more thinking along the lines of comments regarding the post, the disease or something perhaps more relevant. But I know Rob was just envious of my Metrosexual red shirt. He doth protest too much!